KCWC spring 2012: days 6 & 7:: butterfly dress


final post for this kid’s clothes week challenge – a butterfly dress!

i love wearing blue. my eyes are blue and when i wear it, they look even bluer. my daughter’s are blue too and it looks wonderful on her, but she calls it a “boy color” and wants nothing to do with it. to persuade her, i need to give the garment a “special feature” that she’ll love, like ruffles or butterflies or a major twirly skirt…or all three at once!

twirling coraline

this is the coraline dress, a tutorial by jess of craftiness is not optional. jess is kind of the queen of sewing tutorials (check them all out here) and i realized that aside from her junebug dress which i remixed, i haven’t really made one even though i wanted to! when i saw this pop up, i knew it was time.


probably not the greatest choice for my final project of KCWC, after sewing more than just one hour a day all week (and blogging too!), to pick a pretty involved, bias bound/ruffle/buttonhole/full gathered skirt dress, but jess and i have some fun news coming up this week, so i wanted to end with one of her tutorials.  and oh yes, it was a very solid tutorial. no head scratching moments, though i always struggle with the sandwich-and-sew method of bias binding and have to finish sections of the inside by hand. no worries – an easy fix.

i used rae’s flashback skinny tee as the bodice base (word to the wise – size up if you do this! i’m pretty bummed that this just barely fits over her head now, so she’d better stop growing so she can wear it for more than a couple weeks!). i trimmed the tops of the shoulders and wrapped the bias around to the wrong side of the armholes rather than having it show.


one benefit of having a ridiculously messy sewing room is that some of the dark gray shot cotton that i used in her elephant charlie dress was still laying around on my cutting table. when i saw how nicely it paired with the lizzy house butterfly sky fabric, i decided to work it in on the placket and added some flat piping, too.


as has happened a few times before, Em saw the dress in process and protested “but i want pink!” and then when she saw the actual dress finished, she giggled in glee. she’s a good sport. i think i’d better make her a pink dress next, or she may stage a revolt. though as long as she can twirl, run, and ride her strider bike in a dress (with the skirt tucked into her underwear), she’s pretty happy. in fact, she moved so much during our photoshoot, i didn’t get a straight on shot of the dress! i didn’t realize this until she had changed into her (pink) swimsuit for some sprinkler-running, so i had to use the old hang-the-dress-in-the-lilac-bush technique.


that’s it for me! five items sewn in six days (took a break on friday). the energy around this KCWC was fantastic, it has been so fun watching everyone make such amazing stuff. really great job, ladies, and thanks again for hosting, meg!

17 thoughts on “KCWC spring 2012: days 6 & 7:: butterfly dress

  1. Adam West says:

    This is pretty amazing!! I love it. The ruffles are absolutely perfect, I LOVE the way they sit around the armholes. I’ve seen the Coraline dress and I liked it, but your version of it has made me LOVE it!

  2. anna says:

    so pretty, and glad she likes it even though she really wanted pink (my kids are the same way). and the ruffles are just so pretty. as always, super impressed!

  3. Erin says:

    Such a pretty dress and I love the fabric combination. Luckily we are not in the pink stage here but we are in a dress stage. I have been sewing up several dresses so she can wear one every day if she wants.

  4. gail says:

    way to finish strong! love the gray accent with that fabric, and no wonder E. loves it, that is one full skirt! hope you get to enjoy a mini break from sewing this week, you’ve earned it! 🙂

  5. Jess says:

    phew! you go girl, with all that sewing! fantastic. I’m so excited you picked a tutorial of mine to do…and so excited for the weeks to come! 😉

  6. Emily says:

    Oh my goodness I love your version! The contrast placket and the piping are so fun. Also your ruffles are perfect! Glad she liked the butterflies and twirliness. 🙂 PS I like lilacs a lot.

  7. jessica says:

    SO SWEET! I’ve never done one of Jess’ tutorial either, even though every time I see one I think it’s the cutest thing ever (Like today’s!) Now that Elsie’s a little bigger I’m sure I’ll be using them more. You kicked KCWC’s ass girl!

  8. enim sou says:

    What a lovely dress – I like the colour, it looks a little bit vintage and works well with the teint of your sweet daughter. Pink is not always the best colour for little girls … 😉

    enim sou

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